Welcome to AHS Girl Up!

We dedicate this club to empowering women all around the world. We advocate for women everywhere to have the chance to pursue their dreams, have their voices heard, and to have the opportunity to let each other know that they are not alone in this cause. We are Austin High School Girl Up.

Sign Up

We would love it if you would join us. Please fill in this form if you are interested in becoming a part of our team!

Meet Our Officers

This is our officer team for the 2020-2021 school year!

Pen Pal

Join our Pen Pal Program with UT Austin! Please fill in the form if you are interested in this exciting opportunity!

Book of the Month

We are starting something new this year, and we would love for all book lovers and non-book lovers alike to recommend books that they feel are appropriate for the theme of the month. Find out more in the following link!

Application and Contact Form

Please fill out this application and contact form if you are interested in joining!!